Δημοσιεύσεις - MedWildFireLab

Μετάβαση στο περιεχόμενο

Κύριο Μενού:


Xanthopoulos, G. 2015. Forest fires in Greece: Past present and future. pp. 141-151. In “Wildland Fires: A Worldwide Reality”. António José Bento Gonçalves and António Avelino Batista Vieira (editors). Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA. 229 p.

Fernandes, P. M. (2015). Empirical support for the use of prescribed burning as a fuel treatment. Current Forestry Reports, 1(2), 118-127.

Bajocco, S., Dragozi, E., Gitas, I., Smiraglia, D., Salvati, L., & Ricotta, C. (2015). Mapping forest fuels through vegetation phenology: The role of coarse-resolution satellite time-series. PloS one, 10(3), e0119811.
Corona, P., Ascoli, D., Barbati, A., Bovio, G., Colangelo, G., Elia, M., ... & Lovreglio, R. (2015). Integrated forest management to prevent wildfires under Mediterranean environments.
Baeza, M. J., & Santana, V. M. (2015). Biological significance of dead biomass retention trait in Mediterranean Basin species: an analysis between different successional niches and regeneration strategies as functional groups. Plant Biology, 17(6), 1196-1202.

Dehane, B., Madrigal, J., Hernando, C., Bouhraoua, R., & Guijarro, M. (2015). New bench-scale protocols for characterizing bark flammability and fire resistance in trees: Application to Algerian cork. Journal of Fire Sciences, 33(3), 202-217.
Montiel Molina, C., & Galiana-Martín, L. (2016). Fire Scenarios in Spain: A Territorial Approach to Proactive Fire Management in the Context of Global Change. Forests, 7(11), 273.
Puletti, N., Camarretta, N., & Corona, P. (2016). Evaluating EO1-Hyperion capability for mapping conifer and broadleaved forests. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 49(1), 157-169.
Madrigal, J., Fernández-Migueláñez, I., Hernando, C., Guijarro, M., Vega-Nieva, D. J., & Tolosana, E. (2017). Does forest biomass harvesting for energy reduce fire hazard in the Mediterranean basin? a case study in the Caroig Massif (Eastern Spain). European Journal of Forest Research, 136(1), 13-26.
Zupo, T., Baeza, M. J., & Fidelis, A. (2016). The effect of simulated heat-shock and daily temperature fluctuations on seed germination of four species from fire-prone ecosystems. Acta Botanica Brasilica, 514-519.
Fares, S., S. Bajocco, L. Salvati, N. Camarretta, J.L. Dupuy, G. Xanthopoulos, M. Guijarro, J. Madrigal, C. Hernando, and P. Corona. 2017. Characterizing potential wildland fire fuel in live vegetation in the Mediterranean region. Annals of Forest Science 74(1): (published online 06 February 2017).

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